The Eco Scheme

The focus of the ‘ECO’ scheme is primarily towards HHCRO customers (Help to Heat Carbon Reduction Obligation). Basically, if you currently receive one of the above qualifying benefits, you fall into the category of HHCRO.

What is The Eco Scheme?

The “Energy Companies Obligation is a government energy efficient scheme in Great Britain that helps to reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty” (Ofgem, 2022).

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is a government energy efficiency scheme throughout Great Britain designed to tackle fuel poverty and help reduce carbon emissions.

The scheme has seen 4 iterations, ECO, ECO1, ECO2 and ECO3 with the prior ECO3 scheme closing on 31 March 2022 and ECO4 coming into force in July 2022. ECO4 applies to measures installed from 1 April 2022 and will cover a four-year period until 31 March 2026. Read more here 

Currently, every household in the UK is subject to a small climate-change charge on their energy bill. Making up a tiny percentage of the overall bill but when added up equates to a substantial fund readily available for approved companies within the supply chain [such as Eco Home Insulation] to help combat climate-change and make fuel poor, low-income and vulnerable households within the UK more energy efficient by accessing this funding. In turn, generating significant savings on your energy bill and drastically reducing our carbon footprint.


The Eco Scheme’s Background

The scheme obligates energy companies with more than 150,000 customers to offer energy efficient solutions to those who need it most. The number of measures the companies install all depends on their market share, meaning some smaller companies may have limited availability. However, British Gas, Eon, Octopus, Bulb, EDF and countless others are all a part of this scheme and will have more readily available accessibility.

The ECO scheme doesn’t permit consumers to only use or contact their own energy suppliers to access this funding. Instead, there are smaller companies that work alongside these energy suppliers to offer this grant and provide the surveying, installing and continued maintenance of the insulation and heating measures offered.

Eco Home Insulation’s Role

Eco Home Insulation works as a trusted fitter for these bigger energy companies. Our role involves checking your eligibility for funding, sending our trusted surveyors out to your home to see what measures are required, accessing the funding from the Government for these measures on your behalf, installing the necessary products and helping with any maintenance needed after.

Under the HHCRO, Eco Home Insulation promote measures which help low income, vulnerable and fuel poor households across Britain to heat their homes, including services such as insulation (RIR & IWI) and replacement boilers for free due to government support.

With years of trading experience in delivering quality services and building fantastic customer relationships, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands with the team here at ECO Home Insulation.

To find out whether you qualify for funding or can access funding via the LA Flex routes click here – link to eligibility page. 

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